
The Seminary Neighborhood Association is a nonprofit association formed in June 2010 in response to the Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary’s plan to redevelop their property. When the Seminary first floated their initial development plans, the Association attempted to engage the Seminary to try to find a mutually acceptable solution. However, the Seminary indicated no interest in compromise, so the Association organized and built support from the community, wrote letters, and hired attorneys and planners.

The Association’s primary common purpose is to preserve the character and open space, minimize traffic congestion, conserve water, and promote environmental health in Strawberry, an unincorporated district of Mill Valley, California.  The Board of Directors for the Association all live in the Strawberry area and share an interest in the future of the Seminary campus. The grassroots organization seeks to advocate for the overall interests of the Strawberry community, comprised of more than 600 homeowners and renters, as well as other interested associations with objectives consistent with those of the Association (e.g., Seminary Cove, De Silva Island, etc.).  The Association is governed exclusively by its Board of Directors and has no voting association members.


Contact Us:

Seminary Neighborhood Association

Mill Valley, CA 94942

[email protected]

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